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Terms & Conditions

Conditions of Hire for Canal Cruising Co Ltd – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

The description given in the printed brochure and our web site are as accurate as possible, but we cannot be held liable for any small inaccuracies or changes due to improvements to the boats.

A provisional reservation can be made by phoning (01785 813982) or emailing us ( and getting a booking reference. This will be held for 3 days on our booking system and automatically released if not confirmed.A booking is confirmed by the hirer and us (together) when a deposit or full payment has been received by us and a confirmation issued.

The hirer is responsible for the whole hire charge and payment which must be made 9 weeks prior to the start date of your holiday.  The booking confirmation is not a VAT invoice.  Any current level of VAT is included in the price.

The boat is covered by insurance for loss or damage to the boat, its passengers and third parties. Personal effects of hirers are not included in this policy. Damage to waterways property, caused by the hirer, is the hirers’ responsibility. 

Holiday cancellation must be notified to us in writing. If you cancel your holiday due to one of the qualifying reasons below. You will be covered for: Loss of your booking deposit paid, Balance of Hire printed on your confirmation (subject to booking conditions). Less a paper work fee of £25

Qualifying reasons which must apply to a member/s of your party:

Illness, pregnancy (both subject to a medical evidence of unfitness to travel), or death or death of a close relative e.g. spouse, son or daughter in law, grandparent, sister or brother, fiancée(e)

Redundancy (employed for at least 24 months on a continual full-time basis with the same employer) 

Jury Service.The inability of all the party to reach Canal Cruising Co Ltd due to snow or flood or because of being involved in an accident en route.

N/B cancellation in all cases must mean cancellation of the booking for the period concerned; it cannot involve partial refunds to individual members making up the holiday party.

The following cancellation charges apply if you change or cancel your holiday, or do not have a qualifying reason.No. of days before arrival date that your notification to Cancellation is received

More than 56 days Full initial payment
56 – 29 days 50% of cost
28 – 15 days 75% of cost
14 – 1 days 90% of cost
On arrival date or later Total cost

We as a company advise you take out a holiday travel insurance to cover your party once the boat has been handed over to yourselves for your holiday i.e. if you have to cut short your holiday for any reason you are not covered by our cancellation policy. Any pre-existing medical condition is not covered by our cancelation fee  unless we have been informed on booking in writing.

Reduced Cruising Terms – Canal & River Trust may impose stoppages at any time for maintenance or other purposes which are beyond the control of the Company. This could restrict the extent of your proposed cruise but does not constitute grounds for cancellation of your holiday, late return of the boat (unless agreed with the comapny) or refunds of any kind.

If a epidemic re-strengthens so that it becomes clear that we cannot operate on a given date, we will offer to defer the holiday later to be taken within 2 years of your original holiday date – subject to availability. A new date must be set. We would retain the deposit against the future holiday. We will not charge a transfer fee. If the new dates have a different price, we will charge or refund as appropriate.

The last option, if moving the holiday isn’t feasible, is that we will cancel and refund what you have paid.

If we can operate but you don’t come

Depending on the reason, we will treat this differently.

1 If we can operate but you cannot come because one of your party contracts the virus or is quarantined or subject to a local lockdown, we will offer to defer, again if dates are not suitable  you can cancel and get a full refund.

2 If we can operate but you choose not to come for another reason, e.g. you prefer not to leave home, or the pubs are limited or shut, then we will defer or cancel and retain your 20% deposit, but not retain or seek any part of the balance as set out in Condition 5.

3 If we can operate but you are unable to take your holiday for a ‘normal’ reason e.g. broken leg, then the normal cancellation procedure in Condition 5 will apply. You may lose part of your balance unless we are able to relet.

New bookings for 2023/24
We are taking new bookings very fast. In case we are prevented from operating your boat, to remove the financial risk to you, we will offer a deferral, but if this doesn’t work for you we undertake to repay all you have paid.If we can operate but you for any reason don’t come, then we will apply the graded procedure in ‘Existing bookings’ above.

We will not hire a boat to anyone under the age of 18.  No person under the age of 14 may control a boat unless under the direct supervision of a responsible adult. The boat many not carry more persons that the licence permits. If there are any infirm or disabled members in the party, please inform us before booking. We will help if we can, but suitability of the waterway is beyond our control.

We reserve the right to refuse to hand over the boat to any person who in our opinion is not suitable to take charge of our boat. In this event the hire charge will be refunded in full and you will have no further claim against the company. If owing to circumstances beyond our control, we are unable to provide the boat booked, or a suitable alternative, we will refund the full price of the holiday and you shall have no further claim against the company.

Boats will be ready for boarding between 2.00 pm and 4.00 p.m. on the start day and must be returned by 9.30 a.m. on the last day of hire and vacated by 10.00 a.m.
It is your contracted responsibility to ensure that there is enough time allowed to return the boat to the base in a clean/tidy condition by 10 a.m., failure to do could result in a charge of £200. Should the boat be returned later than 4 p.m. on your last day, you will be liable to pay the full cost of the next hirers holiday as compensation.

The boat is handed over with a full diesel tank, either 2 or 3 full gas bottles and toilet holding tanks empty. This is enough for a week’s cruise. Hirers are advised that additional fuels, gas and pump outs are necessary on longer cruises these additional costs are the hirers responsibility.

The hirer and crew undertake to receive instruction from our staff in boat handling etc and agree to abide by our procedures as laid down in the handover procedure from BMF.

Either a returnable security deposit of £200 OR a £50 non-returnable damage waiver is required before the boat can be removed from the yard.

Damage waiver (our in-house insurance for breakages or losses of equipment on the boat.)

Security deposit (a fee which we deduct the cost of breakages or losses of equipment on the boat.)

Items not covered by the above:

  1. Speeding (Damage cause by speeding, reported or witnessed)
  2. Damage to the rudder
  3. Late return of the boat
  4. Boat returned in an unclean condition.

Should any of the above be brought to our attention we shall claim the full cost of repair, replacement or compensation.

Repairs to our boats are our (Canal Cruising Co Ltd) responsibility and must not be put into the hands of others without our authority.

We may repossess the boat at any time if, in our opinion, the hirer is unsuitable, and not behaving responsibly or putting the boat and persons at risk. Under these circumstances the hirer remains liable for the holiday cost and no refund will be made.

We are not responsible or liable for damage or loss beyond our reasonable control including (without limitation), death or personal injury of hirers, their crew and passengers: loss or damage to property: non-fulfilment of the booking or delays: breakdowns; mechanical problems; defects; damage; restrictions or obstructions; repairs or damage to waterways; non-availability of routes; navigational works; storms; floods; droughts; ice; loss or shortage of water or other weather conditions; rationing; shortage or no availability of fuel; or in respect of any consequential loss, damage, expense, injury or claim.

You are responsible for the safe navigation of the boat in your charge and are expected to comply with the navigation bylaws, including those relating to speed, cruising after dark or in fog, which are all forbidden. The towing of other boats or using tidal waters without our consent is forbidden. In the case of an accident you must notify us immediately with full details including names and addresses of any witnesses and the name of any other boat involved. In no circumstances should anyone admit liability.   If this is not done any liabilities/costs are your responsibility

Free car parking is provided for up to 2 vehicles, but we emphasise that we accept no liability for loss or damage or their contents.

We accept well-behaved pets. Any damage caused by your pet/s you will be held responsible for repair costs. Please bring their own bedding. Please ensure there flee and tick medication is up to date.


We try to operate at a high standard and would like you to let us know of any problems not noticed on collection before you start your holiday, or arising during your holiday as soon as possible, so that they can be corrected. To enable us to deal with any complaints properly, they must be notified to us before you leave the yard and followed up in writing within seven days of the end of your cruise. We cannot be held responsible or liable if you return the boat early due to your personal circumstances or weatherconditions.

In the event of increases in fuel tax, we reserve the right to impose a fuel surcharge to cover our increased costs even after a booking has been confirmed. If fuel raises to more than £2.00 per Ltr a fuel surcharge will be added to the booking.

Our boats are not designed to carry bicycles or canoes and therefore they are NOT ALLOWED. A rod licence is required to be able to fish from the boat and must not be near a fishing match and under no circumstances is live bait allowed inside the boat.

Please view our privacy statement on our website   Your data is Securely held by the Holiday Bookings Online server for 24 months. Our paper/hard copy is held in a secure location for no longer than legal obligations we have i.e. to maintain records for tax purposes. The data we hold  is not shared by  any third party and is purely for the purpose  of your holiday booking with us.  By saying ‘Yes’ to the Privacy Policy you agree for us to hold your data as above and proceed with you booking.

On ‘Special offer multiple week bookings’ no refunds of pump outs, diesel or gas can be claimed back. Only one offer/discount can be claimed per holiday. PLEASE NOTE:  SPECIAL OFFER CODES I.E. CAMRA, IWA ETC CAN ONLY BE APPLIED BEFORE THE DEPOSIT/HIRE FEE HAS BEEN TAKEN.Current as at SEPT. 2022

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